Why Group Blogging is Great for the Acumatica Channel: Top 2 Benefits

According to Merriam-Webster authority is the power to influence or command thought, opinion or behavior.  To gain authority you must have an audience.  As your audience increases so does your authority.  The question becomes, “How do I build a targeted audience that I want to attract to my content?” This is the challenge we all face as marketers.

I can tell you from my experience in ERP software that a typical ERP software partner, even the large partners don’t have the resources required internally to garner a ton of authority on the internet.  The benefit of publishing blogs on group blog sites is the audience and authority the group site has built as a community.  If there are group sites you have identified in the ERP software industry, chances are the group site gets more traffic than your own site.  Yes, it does help the group site to post there, but it also helps your website by way of the inbound links in your expert guest blog post.  This contributes to the search engine authority your website earns.  The more authoritative links you have back to your site the more authority your website earns, so everyone wins.  The group blog site visitors win because they get to see your expert content and you win because you earn authority and your blog gets seen by more target readers.

In summary the top 2 reasons to publish guest posts on a collaborative blog vs. just your own:

Collaboration:  The number of visitors to your blog drastically increases because there is more traffic to the group blog site.  If you only post content to your own site you are staying in your box.  In order to get exposed to more traffic you have to get out into more social circles.  That is where group sites can get you more bang for your blog.
Traffic: As traffic increases to your blog so does your power to influence, command thought, opinion or behavior.  If you are truly an expert in the subject matter you are writing about it is important that the right audience see it, share it and like it.  If you are speaking to the pains of your target customer and your target customer reads the blog then you may have the opportunity to convert them into a paying customer.  Typically group blog sites carry more search engine authority than a typical partner website.  Posting blogs on more authoritative websites then your own is a good way to get indexed higher in the search engines for the keyword term you are writing about.  It is also a good way to pass that authority onto your own website by way of backlinks. This is how the search engines understand you are connected.

ERPVAR.com is a website where all ERP partners can leverage the authority of the community.

Here are some reasons you may want to consider sharing your blog content on ERPVAR.com as part of your community blogging strategy:

ERPVAR is hosted on HubSpot inbound marketing software
ERPVAR Acumatica blogs get emailed to over 1,172 Acumatica weekly blog subscribers.
We write blogs for you tied to our HubSpot Inbound Marketing software topic clusters, so they have a better chance of indexing in the search engines for your chosen keyword terms.
Contacts derived from your blogs and in your exclusive locations are automatically emailed to you.

ERPVAR is an acu-connect affiliate marketing resource for Acumatica VARs and ISVs. ERPVAR is a leading Acumatica partner marketing services provider and is sponsoring Acumatica Summit. Here is what Acumatica has to say about our services:

“We’re proud to endorse ERPVAR as a proven Acumatica partner marketing service.”

Christian Lindberg, Vice President of Partner Solutions at Acumatica

Learn more about our Acumatica partner marketing service offering here:  https://www.erpvar.com/acumatica-partner-marketing-services

We hope to hear from you soon or meet you at Acumatica Summit!

Blog Author:  Adrian Montgomery – Partner ERPVAR.com

