Single Source Systems Productivity Tools Save Valuable Time

Category: Articles

With today’s expanding economy and inflated costs, organizations are looking for ways to optimize the use of resources, including labor. Improving workforce productivity is a proven tactic for counteracting budget strains and boosting output. An efficient workforce achieves more, using less.

But most organizations have already trimmed and consolidated, weeding out nonessential positions and asking workers to take on expanded roles. Is there still room for more process refinement?

Single Source Systems, an Acumatica channel partner, says the right tools help workers work smarter. Single Source Productivity Tools help organizations address tasks which tend to be labor intensive and tedious.

“In order for workers to step up to the challenge, they need tools that will allow them to work faster and smarter. Organizations that increase pressure on their workers—without giving them the necessary tools—will see disappointing results, and risk retaining their workforce,” says Marty Rhodes, president of Single Source Systems.

“Training new workers is costly. It makes more sense to invest in your current workforce, giving them tools to help them be more efficient and successful in their roles. That is the concept behind our Productivity Tools for Acumatica,” he adds.

Agreement Designer

For many organizations, creating binding agreements, such as quotes, contracts, and service agreements, is a laborious task. Work orders and statements of work can be multiple pages detailing the work to be done, defining services offered and the terms of sale. Sometimes drafts are routed past executives and the legal team for approval. Each document can take days to draft and finalize.

Agreement Designer, from Single Source Systems, makes the process easier, faster, and more accurate. It allows the organization to create a library of common phrases, terms and conditions, or typical process definitions. The standard wording is templatized for unlimited reuse. Key paragraphs are pre-written and approved and only need to be selected, updated, and inserted in place. For any organization with lengthy service agreements or contracts, the Agreement Designer can save many hours of work.

Agreement Designer was built especially for Acumatica. Built on the Acumatica xRP platform, it ties directly to the appropriate data and functionality, such as CRM, sales, and analytics.

Questionnaire Designer

Creating documents like punch lists, inspection checklists, or customer questionnaires is time consuming. Recreating a new list for each new application is tedious with a high risk of a critical element being omitted.

Instead, the Questionnaire Designer turns the typical list into templates in a library for unlimited use. The user can select which set of questions to incorporate into the document. The solution automatically renders questions and can embed data from Acumatica.

The questionnaire can be tied to Acumatica screens, such as when an inspector is assigned to perform an inspection. The document can be tied to the customer account, the project work order, or the inspector’s tasks. The questionnaire results are stored as data that can be reported on. Data can be pulled from the questionnaire to populate further work orders and invoices.

This tool is a major time saver for companies in construction, engineering, field service, or maintenance. Anytime there is a list of activities, milestones, or questions, the Questionnaire Designer helps automate processes and boost productivity. Consistency and accuracy are also improved. The Questionnaire Designer is easily accessed through mobile solutions for use in the field.

No-surprise deployment

Both Single Source Systems Productivity Tools are easy to deploy and easy for users to learn. Training videos help make the user experience positive. Learn more about Productivity Tools for Acumatica on the Single Source website.

For nearly 40 years Single Source Systems has been providing professional services and solutions to help organizations boost performance and productivity.

