Ask Your VAR About Shipping – Get sound advice from a partner invested in your success

Category: Articles

The same Value Added Reseller (VAR) that implemented Acumatica can probably help you determine what add-ons, like shipping software, will help you extract the greatest value from this significant investment.

As manufacturers, distributors, and retailers prepare to deploy a new Acumatica ERP, or begin using it at scale, the question of shipping often comes up. If shipping is even a potential issue at some point, it’s worth a direct conversation with your VAR about how to approach the subject, whatever stage of deployment you are at. Your VAR can help you identify:

  • Whether Acumatica’s native shipping will be sufficient, or if you need specialty software
  • What exactly your software will need to do – now and in the future
  • What has and has not worked in their experience implementing shipping software

To ship or not to ship. It’s important to ask your VAR during implementation about how far Acumatica’s native shipping capabilities can take your goods, and if it will meet your needs. The module is designed for basic, low-volume parcel shipping, and is very good at it. That’s why it’s important to get specific with your implementation partner about just what it will, and will not, do. If the answer is that you’ll need to add shipping separately, it’s never too early (or too late!) to explore options. But, especially if you’re new to Acumatica, your VAR is the resource to walk you through this.

You’re not that special. Ok, maybe you are, but however unique your shipping needs may seem, it’s likely something your implementation partner has seen before – somewhere, in some way. The same is true with potential future needs, where you are just now starting to vaguely explore long-term plans. Most likely, a good VAR has worked with others contemplating similar evolutions. That’s what makes their involvement so key to the success of the ERP deployment in the first place. Talk with them. Discuss the specifics of what’s happening today and you anticipate for the future. Collaborate with them on how to accomplish shipping goals and the right tool to meet each.

Been there, done that. As we’ve discussed, implementation partners have seen it all. Or, at least, they’ve seen a lot… When it comes to shipping software, not only can they tell you what “works” or not, but also what works best in specific situations. Most likely they’ve even seen companies try more than one product for shipping. Use that knowledge to your advantage, and make sure you get their full assessment of how well any product will (or won’t) work for you. Things like how well it connects to Acumatica, or to your specific carriers, or to other integration partners, are all (potentially) relevant questions to bring up.

Shipping software can be a complex subject to approach but fortunately, those using Acumatica have a trusted implementation partner to approach: their VAR. This is where you can find unbiased advice on what type of shipping software you need, how to use it to meet specific objectives, and what does and does not work well for companies like yours.

If you’re curious about our shipping software, ask your VAR specifically about 3G Pacejet Shipping, or click here to contact us today.

Written by: 3G Pacejet

