Exploring Inventory License Plating in Your Acumatica Warehouse with Scanco

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Harnessing License Plating for Acumatica with Scanco

License plating is a valuable feature that Scanco’s Warehouse Management Systems (WMS) offers that transforms automated warehouse management for Acumatica. It provides a unique identification method for marking pallets or groupings of products and materials, eliminating the need to individually scan each item — and enabling rapid movement between locations.

Data optimization through License Plating significantly reduces the challenges faced in warehouse operations. Businesses can effortlessly track and access critical information by scanning barcodes, streamlining processes, and improving efficiency.

What is License Plating?

Inventory License Plating is a process that allows for seamless movement of items throughout the warehouse. But what exactly does it entail? It involves grouping and managing inventory using a unique identifier, typically an LPN (License Plate Number) label, which contains crucial information related to the materials, such as item details, quantities, serial numbers, lot numbers, locations, inventory status, manufacture dates, and expiration dates.

By assigning an LPN to a pallet, truck, or product set, you can easily track and manage it using Barcode or RFID technology. With a quick and easy scan of the LPN label, all information stored within it is instantly accessible, eliminating outdated manual inventory processes which consume valuable time and come with an inherent risk of human error, which can be costly for your business. Say goodbye to time-consuming inventory management and embrace the power of inventory License Plating to optimize your warehouse operations!

How Can License Plating Benefit Your Business?

License Plating offers several advantages that can significantly enhance your warehouse operations:

  1. FASTER SHIPMENTS: By entering license plate information ahead of time, you can expedite the receiving process and enable faster shipment processing
  2. IMPROVED INVENTORY MONITORING: License plating enables efficient tracking of inventory items by LPN, allowing for early detection and proactive resolution of any issues
  3. OPTIMAL ROUTING: License plating helps identify popular warehouse items, ensuring that routes for those items are efficient and streamlined
  4. ENHANCED PALLET TRACKING: By tracking items within a pallet, License Plating ensures everything is in its designated place, minimizing errors and improving organization
  5. STREAMLINED OPERATIONS: License Plating minimizes manual data entry, speeding up overall warehouse operations and reducing the risk of errors

By integrating Scanco WMS for Acumatica and leveraging License Plating capabilities, your warehouse can achieve greater efficiency and optimization. With Scanco WMS, you can create new license plate records and define the items within each record, providing a modern automated warehouse management system that aligns with your business needs.

Signs You Need to Make the Switch

If your warehouse is struggling with inefficient processes and outdated technology, it’s time to consider implementing inventory License Plating with Scanco and Acumatica. Here are some clear signs that indicate the need for License Plating and how it can significantly improve your efficiency and accuracy:

  1. Phantom Inventory: Are you constantly facing the issue of phantom inventory, where you believe certain items are in stock, but they’re not? Inventory License Plating provides a solution to accurately track and manage inventory, eliminating the risk of miscounted or missing items.
  2. Lotted or Serialized Inventory: If your inventory valuation relies on lot or serial numbers, it often involves additional steps to ensure the product reaches its intended destination. License Plating simplifies this process by grouping items with a unique license plate number, streamlining the movement and tracking of inventory.
  3. Palletized Inventory: Handling palletized inventory requires an efficient system to manage and track the contents of each pallet. License Plating allows you to easily identify and manage pallets, ensuring items are properly organized and accounted for.
  4. Outdated Tracking Systems: If your current product tracking system or process is slow and outdated, it’s time to upgrade. License Plating offers a modern solution that enables real-time inventory tracking, providing accurate information on item location, quantity, and other essential details.
  5. Labeling Compliance Challenges: Struggling to comply with labeling requests from customers or regulatory authorities can hinder your operations. License Plating simplifies labeling by generating unique license plate numbers, making it easier to meet labeling requirements without manual effort.
  6. Slow and Inefficient Warehouse Operations: If your overall warehouse operations are slow, inefficient, or outdated, implementing inventory License Plating can be a game-changer. It minimizes manual data entry, optimizes workflows, and accelerates processes, improving productivity and reducing errors.
  7. Shipment Planning and Management Issues: Properly planning and managing shipments can be challenging without an efficient inventory management system. License Plating enables better visibility and control over inventory, ensuring accurate picking, packing, and shipping processes.


Integrating Scanco WMS allows you access to functionality like inventory License Plating for Acumatica. This allows you to streamline your warehouse operations, eliminate inefficiencies, and achieve higher levels of accuracy and productivity.

Drop us a line today and let’s chat about how we can help make your business more efficient and accurate. Don’t wait any longer to make the switch and unlock your warehouse’s full potential!

Written by: Scanco Software

