Maximizing Efficiency with Crestwood’s Collections Management for Acumatica

Maximizing Efficiency with Crestwood’s Collections Management for Acumatica


May 16, 2024    
2:30 pm - 3:30 pm


Event Type

Event Overview:

Elevate your collections process with the Crestwood Associates’ exclusive webinar on the Collections Management solution for Acumatica. This one-hour session is designed to help you enhance efficiency, improve cash flow, and reduce the time spent on collections.

Why Attend?

The Collections Management, tailored specifically for Acumatica users, revolutionizes your approach to managing collections. This session will cover how the tool facilitates:

  • Streamlined Operations: Gain insights through a comprehensive dashboard that provides a clear overview of all collection efforts.
  • Automated Collection Steps: Automate the progression of collection plans and close activities as invoices are paid.
  • Efficient Communication: Generate timely emails automatically based on customer invoice dates to enhance communication.
  • Reduced Manual Effort: By automating routine tasks, your team can focus on more strategic activities, thus boosting overall cash flow.

What’s New?

Our commitment to continuous improvement has led to several significant upgrades in the latest release. These enhancements are designed to maximize the value of your investment and further optimize your collections process.

Webinar Highlights:

  • Key Features: Explore the core functionalities of the Collections Management tool.
  • Custom Collections Plans: Learn how to customize plans to fit specific business needs.
  • Automated Interactions: Discover how to automate communications with past-due accounts.
  • Utilization of Email Templates: Implement personalized email communications with ease.
  • Documentation and Tracking: Efficiently document and track every step of the collection process.
  • Accelerating Cash Flow: Understand how these tools contribute to improving your business’s cash flow and collection success rates.

Join Us:

Don’t miss this opportunity to see the latest enhancements to the Collections Management tool and how they can streamline your processes further. This webinar is an excellent chance to directly interact with our experts and learn how to accelerate your business’s cash flow.


Ready to transform your collections process? Click here to register for the webinar and join us on May 16th, 2024. We look forward to welcoming you to an informative session designed to propel your business forward.

Date: May 16, 2024
Time: 2:30 PM ET

Secure your spot today and experience how Crestwood’s Collections Management for Acumatica can redefine your collections strategy!